Bazis-Center is a well-known in Russia and neighboring countries software designer for complex automation of furniture enterprises and engineering works.
Line of activity
Design of CAD/CAM/CAE systems under BAZIS trademark. Complex automation of furniture design, technological preparation and sale. Specialists training. Technical support.
Main product
BAZIS system is a united software complex of modern automation tools for furniture design and preproduction.
20 years
on the market of cabinet furniture computer-aided design
> 3 500
furniture enterprises use BAZIS system
18 countries
BAZIS system users geography
> 22 000
purchased licenses

Kolomna – is one of the most ancient and beautiful cities of Moscow region. It is a big industrial and traffic center, river port of the Oka. Kolomna was founded in 1140—1160 according to the latest archaeological surveys. The monument of Old Russian citadel architecture, the Kolomna Kremlin has been partially preserved.
The 15000th license has been delivered to the users. More than 300 new capabilities, commands and functions have been realized in BAZIS 9 release of 2016. New version of BAZIS 10 has been announced. The number of trained specialists in training center is more than 200 people.
Started official sales of BAZIS-Package 9. Users number is more than 3000 enterprises.
Started official sales of BAZIS 9. Users number is more than 2500 enterprises. The number of trained specialists in training center is more than 100 people. They are not only furniture enterprises employees, but also lecturers of forestry engineering universities and faculties.
The 10000th license has been delivered to the users. The certificates of BAZIS system control programs for Gannomat, Griggio, Felder machines have been got.
The number of enterprise-users of BAZIS system is more than 2000.
Started official sales of BAZIS 8. In July BAZIS 8 was recorded in computer program register. Training center began to work in «BAZIS-Center» office. Specialists of furniture enterprises learn to work in BAZIS system modules.
«Bazis-Center» company came in the market of system integration for the first time: two leader furniture companies – Ulyanovsk furniture factory and Voronezh company «Angstrem» have chosen our solutions for automation of their factories as well as the whole sales infrastructure.
New BAZIS 8.0 system has been brought to industrial testing level, it will become the basis of new prospective systems for woodworkers.
The certificates of BAZIS system control programs for the leading high-performance saw and millings CNC machines have been got.
The 8th new version of BAZIS system has been announced.
On 20th years anniversary BAZIS system has been developing fast both in terms of the quality and quantity. New releases of BAZIS-Woodworker, BAZIS-Cutting, BAZIS-Estimate, BAZIS-Cabinet, BAZIS-Salon, BAZIS-CNC have been designed, tested and delivered to commercial operation. More than 450 innovations, offers and suggestions of our users have been implemented. The most revolutionary breakthroughs touched upon BAZIS-Cabinet, BAZIS-Cutting and BAZIS-Salon and also 3D visualization. Radically new module of BAZIS system has been released in addition to the existing ones – postprocessor for saw control files creation.
Bazis-Center is dynamically growing company. BAZIS system users number exceeds 1500. The system is used in educational process of 12 universities and 9 colleges. «Bazis-Center» is a participant of more than 60 furniture exhibitions. Bright and friendly team of professionals works in the company. The average age of our employees is 33 years.
The center of professional growth «Modern woodworker» organized by «Bazis-Nord» together with «Nothern technologies» has started its work in St. Petersburg. In September BAZIS 7.0 was recorded in computer program register.
«Bazis-Center» official representation office is registered in North-western region – «Bazis-Nord». Release of BAZIS 7.0 version with 3D mathematical kernel.
BAZIS 6.0 version was released in February. The first meeting of dealers took place in Kolomna in autumn and it gathered the representatives from 17 cities of Russia and former Soviet republics.
The first tutorial «Basics of computer-aided wood products design» appears in Arkhangelsk State Technical University and it was dedicated to Bazis-Constructor-Woodworker capabilities. In August Bazis-Constructor-Woodworker 6.0 system was recorded in computer program register.
June 18
«Bazis-Center» company was registered. Since that moment a new stage of system development had started.
Higher schools that train specialists of woodworking technologies and furniture design take interest in Bazis-Constructor-Woodworker system. Arkhangelsk State Technical University, Moscow State Forest University and Academy of Forestry Engineering were the first ones that used it in educational process.
In February Bazis-Constructor-Woodworker system won official recognition at the exhibition «Mebel of Russia» - prize-winner Diploma of domestic product exhibition. In summer the fifth version of system appeared and in October it got the highest award in nomination of «Innovation leader» at IFEP exhibition in St. Petersburg. Later on many other awards would follow, but those first ones were the dearest for designers. In March Bazis-Constructor-Woodworker 5.0 system was recorded in computer program register.
In May «Euroclassic» enterprise invited Bazis-Constructor-Woodworker designers to demonstrate the system at «Euroexpomebel» exhibition at its stand. The success surpassed all expectations. At that time several furniture programs had already existed, but it turned out that exactly Bazis-Constructor-Woodworker implemented new desires of woodworkers. That exhibition had became the point when system mass application at furniture enterprises was started. In summer «Euroclassic» enterprise achieved a status of first authorized dealer. In less than two years specialized graphics editor «Bazis-Constructor-Woodworker» turned into a complex system of computer-aided furniture design that allows to create cabinet furniture of any complexity with coating and fasteners, calculate its cost, materials and works, generate drafts, specifications and operation tables, get cutting charts and parts lists, demonstrate the furniture in 3D and colour.
July 20
The first sale of Bazis-Constructor-Woodworker system.
Started official sales of Bazis-Constructor-Woodworker. «Euroclassik» company from Dolgoprudnyy became the first customer, then «DOMM» company from Kolomna and «Vasko» from Moscow appeared. Up to date these companies continue to work and grow stronger.
The first version of computer-aided cabinet furniture design Bazis-Constructor-Woodworker system was applied in «Duma» company. It got number 4.5 and it was decided to save existing versions numbering. Since then furniture production became the main line of its development.
BAZIS system version for Windows operating system was released. The Moscow NIMI and Samara «Metallist» factory were the first users. In that year Kolomna company «Duma» began BAZIS system modification for furniture production.
BAZIS system became well-known outside the company. In July Ural manufacturing design office purchased the system and it has been still working with it. In autumn construction organizations got interested in BAZIS system. The first non-manufacturing user was Moscow CNII Promzdaniy. In December NII Priborostroeniya (Moscow) realized the first project of BAZIS system introduction for electronic equipment, it worked together with another CAD – P CAD on СМ-1420 computer. BAZIS system version for MS DOS appeared. It not only kept the best features of previous versions but also got many new interesting capabilities. The system immediately attracted the specialists. It was bought by the following enterprises: Cryogenmash (Nizhni Tagil), Vladimirsky Traktor Plant, «Avtramat» (Kharkiv) and many others.
The first version of automated system called BAZIS was introduced to operation testing. It worked on a computer of third generation of CM series that was widespread. On its basis work stations were created, they included alphanumeric display for data input and also graphical display of GRAFIT or СМ-7316 type for screening. The system represented a symbiosis of traditional approach to design and new information technologies. No wonder that in short period of time the system became very popular among machine-building enterprises. After successful system introduction at the enterprise, allied enterprises and then companies of other industries got interested in it.
Work team of programmers and designers was created in KB Mashinostroyeniya - the parent enterprise of the Ministry of the defense industry. It developed the conception and realization of efficient tool for design documentation fast creation and editing at the enterprise according to the demands of USDD.