Construction elasticity allows to change model part sizes via specified algorithms of deformation. This helps create new models fast and easy and take client individual preferences into account.
Elasticity – is original mechanism of model geometric parameters parameterization via cutting planes construction and deformation weighting coefficients determination. It allows to solve the problem of fast creation of new products on basis of created prototypes. Blocks as well as composite accessories can be elastic elements.
Block consists of many panels and accessories and it is considered as a single unit. It can be a separate pull-out drawer, section or the whole product. Creation of cutting planes parallel to coordinate space makes block elastic. Their arrangement should reflect internal elements size changing mode at product overall dimensions change. In other words each cutting plane represents a place where block is stretched or squeezed.
Elastic blocks creation starts with minimum and maximum overall dimensions setup for further work with the model.
Cutting planes position is set visually. Their number is specified depending on construction peculiarities of particular model. Each cutting plane has weighting coefficient that determines deformation relative value of edited elements. E.g. if you place vertical cutting plane in each section of two-section cabinet and set for one section the coefficient twice as much as of another one, sections width will be changed proportionally at cabinet width change.
When you select elastic model for editing eight overall points will be selected automatically (autoediting points). Catch any of them with a mouse and change cabinet overall dimensions within specified restrictions. Besides this editing mode, elastic blocks will be correctly redesigned at elements overall dimensions change.
Elastic blocks can be nested without nesting level restrictions. It allows to set any kind of specific and complex rules of furniture elements dimensions change.
Composite accessories are several objects each of them is taken into account in material database. However, composite accessories are mounted as a single unit. Elastic composite accessories will be edited automatically at mounting to the model on the principle of elastic block. E.g. a tube with two flanges arranged between two parallel panels will be mounted correctly regardless of distance between the panels.
Elastic blocks use allows to cut designing time and eliminate errors due to models correctness automatic control.