BAZIS-Center company policy is based on the principle, that any new sawing equipment should be supported by BAZIS-Cutting module.

Still it is impossible to create control programs for all the machines simultaneously. This is due to the fact that different machines may put mutually exclusive demands on cutting charts. E.g. for SCM Group machines lower left corner is panels reference point, for Altendorf F45 ELMO machines – upper right corner.

Today the list of supported saws and CNC machines includes the following producers and control systems:

Machine producer Machine control system File formats Examples
Altendorf - *.saw download
Casadei Macchine (SCM Group) WinCut *.scm (by default) download
Felder for saws *.may download
Felder for panel sizing saws *. download
Filato Filato *.csv download
Gabbiani (SCM Group) WinCut *.scm (by default) download
Griggio iLENIA *.nps download
HOLZ-HER HOLZ-HER *.ncr download
Holzma (HOMAG Group) HolzLink postprocessor by HOMAG Group is required *.ptx download
KDT KDT PreSize *.txt download
MacMazza - *.pro download
Martin Martin *.mrt download
Paoloni - *.txt download
Schelling - *.ncl, *.ncp download
SCM (SCM Group) WinCut *.scm (by default) download
Selco (BIESSE Group) till 2000 NC *. download
Selco (BIESSE Group) after 2000 XML-Link postprocessor by Biesse Group is required *.xml download
ZaiTec ZaiTec *.txt download

Great number of machine models led to design of corresponding postprocessors that take their control systems peculiarities into consideration. Cutting peculiarities for saws are accounted in BAZIS-Cutting module in two levels:

  • cutting charts optimization parameters setup;
  • setting of control programs parameters for particular control system.

The last parameter group is divided into common and special parts. The first one is invariant to control system and it includes panels labeling rules that are created at the same time with cutting for further parts identification. The second part is designed for «fine-tuning» for particular machinery.